DISCLAIMER: This is not medical advice.
Join us for happy hour in your sweatpants! 🍻 In this episode, Era and Ajay tear down their new favorite product: Signos! They walk through how to break down a product’s experience and strategy with Signos, the CGM app that they can’t stop talking about.
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✍🏾 Show Notes
00:00 Intro & Drinks
3:18 What is Signos?
6:55 product tear down starts: target audience
09:23 Signos competition & differentiators
14:07 Defining features and user benefits
19:22 Pricing uniqueness & distribution
24:15 Design & ease of use
30:16 Data accuracy, precision
34:00 AI Insights & data management
38:55 Price to value ratio
43:46 How we’d change the Signos product strategy
45:26 Our net promoter score for Signos
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