🍻 Join us for happy hour in your sweatpants! In this episode, Era and Ajay are here to provide a non-filtered perspective on user testing. We provide a primer on user testing, along with 5 hot tips for PMs on how best to participate!
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✍🏾 Show Notes
00:00 Intro
01:24 Episode overview
01:46 What's That Drink?!
02:44 Drinking game: drink on the word "bias"
02:56 User testing definitions
06:08 What is NOT user testing
09:59 What does user testing do for you and your product?
17:13 Tools of the Trade
24:36 5 hot tips for Product Managers to participate in user testing
27:48 Cool Product Thing: Zero Fasting App Activity Tracker
31:10 Outro
📚 Resources referenced in this episode
Tools we love:
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Episode 11: 🧪 A User Testing Primer for Product Managers